Is the GOP the party of inclusiveness? This is a great question in my opinion and one we need to get the party focused on.
Back in 1956 Eisenhower gave a speech where he stated, "The Republican Party is the Party of the Future because it is the party that draws people together, not drives them apart. Our Party detests the technique of pitting group against group for cheap political advantage. Republicans view as a central principle of conduct-not just as a phrase on nickels and dimes that old motto of ours: "E pluribus Unum"-"Out of many one. "
Is this true today? The party was once referred to as the party of the big umbrella. The important part of the umbrella is the central core stick. Everything depends on that central core, the rest of the ribs that come from the central core give the party shape but if they are not connected to the central part they are not much use.
We cannot tolerate purging the party of people who we don't see as a "real republican." We cannot have litmus tests and survive as a party that wants to represent and serve the nation. Moderates and conservatives are both needed. One side or one group cannot dictate the terms of how the party operates. If we want to truly win elections we have to appeal to the great moderate center of the US population.
Moderates and conservatives need to be comfortable in our party. We will not survive without each other. Both sides have contributions to make and need to be respected. Not only to win elections but to govern, we need to realize that accomplishing good means accommodation and compromise. Politics should be the art of the possible, something that we do not seem to see today.
That does not mean we have to forgo discussions and disagreements. They should be lively and respectful! But we do need to find common ground if we are to succeed.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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