Forget the debate, whether you believe in global warming or not is not the question. Republicans need to be green! The general consensus of scientists, the media, and the public is that global warming is real and it is a problem. The public is pushing for change. So now the question is how will republicans lead the debate on how to deal with global warming.
On April 10, 2007, Newt Gingrich and John Kerry debated about global warming. They debated not on if it exists but how to do we deal with it. Yet republicans are still trying to argue that global warming is not occurring. This causes republicans to be labeled as “against the environment”. This in turn allows radical environmentalists to frame the debate on how to deal with it. We need to step up and lead on environmental issues with common sense and do it in a manner that will not cripple our economy.
Currently Arnold Schwarzenegger leads the world’s sixth largest economy, California. The initiatives in California will bring a huge economy of scale that will lower the price of alternative energy. Richard Branson, billionaire owner of Virgin, has committed over $3 billion to alternative energy sources. Business people and market incentives are what are needed not government regulation.
It is time for conservatives to lead the dialogue on environmentalism, rather than being labeled as being against the environment. Otherwise, Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet, will help decide how we deal with the environment. The standard liberal solutions of regulation and litigation will only slow things down and increase costs dramatically.
Sound use of science, technology, and incentives by conservatives can create better solutions for a green America. We need to reward entrepreneurs and retool the marketplace to get the fastest results. By embracing green, we can fuel job growth by making new industries, some of which may reduce our costs of living.
We need leadership now to show that conservatives are pro environment. Not only can it be healthy for our economy it is the responsible thing to do!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
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Fact: There has never been a single study suggesting that humanity is the cause of Global Warming that satisfies the scientific method.
Please take a moment to re-read and consider the above.
Bottom line, the "scientific consensus" that Former Vice President Gore and the rest of the Left are forever blathering about is the same kind that destroyed Galileo, laughed at Edison for attempting the incandescent light bulb, and called Einstein nuts for the first half of the last century. Pin one of these "consensus scientists" down about that, and they'll talk about "important stochastic evidence that can't be ignored" - meaning that the same data that can't predict the rain next week is supposed to be hyper accurate about what's going to happen in a hundred years or so. I don't buy it. Show us some kind of solid scientific evidence that this is a real issue, as opposed to the left's favorite excuse to divert attention and resources from the real problems of the world, and we on the Right will be with you to create protocols that make Kyoto look free and easy. Until then, I'll be shopping for my next SUV.
Food for thought: We do have solid scientific evidence to prove the following -
1) Solar scientists from Iowa to Siberia have overlaid the last several warm periods on our planet with known variations in our sun's activity and found, "a near-perfect match." (from the link)
2) Mars is warming up
3) Neptune, along with its' moon Triton, is warming up.
4) Jupiter is warming up
5) Pluto is warming up. (+/- 3.5 deg. F)
Now if you want to believe that the sun is warming Pluto, roughly 100 times farther away from the sun than we are, but it's my SUV that's warming Earth about a third that much (Earth has a much denser atmosphere and deflects this heat far more efficiently) be my guest.
Here's a very readable link in case you think I have my facts wrong:
The Left (regardless of party) is not to be accommodated, but defeated. Let us go on the offensive to continually educate people on their intellectual and philosophical depravity. Let us show again and again how a former Vice President of the United States must blatantly skew the available data in a major “documentary” to make up an issue he can run on since he has nothing else worth pointing to; indeed so much to hide. Let us show how this has been the example that his party has followed. Face it folks, anyone who didn’t sleep through junior high science class knows that Global Warming is hooey, so let’s nail them on all the resources that are being wasted on this wild goose chase.
The great lesson of the Gingrich Revolution is that standing firm with Conservative values and constantly teaching the basics will lead to victory. Indeed, a strong case can be made that the most recent election debacle was caused by “Moderate Democrats” running to the right of the GOP candidates, so now we’re stuck with Madame Speaker Pelosi. Sweet. Time to wake up, grow up and finally admit that the Dems and their willing droogs in the mainstream media will no more work with Conservatives than Al-Qaida will. Let us finally admit to ourselves, once and for all, that trying to appease the Left will lead to disaster just as surely as extending an olive branch to the Bin Ladens of the world. Most of all, let us act accordingly.
Welcome to the Blogosphere, Billy-boy.
I hate to say it, but I'm with Rick on this one. That's not to say that proctecting the environment from the known abuses of man isn't important (think toxic landfills, etc.) But these types of 'green' efforts are realistic and based upon known causes and effect.
The fact that humanity (read: the United States) is destroying the world's climate is absurd. Besides, the notion that there is a certain perfect 'state' of global climate is false - the climate has swung from one extreme to the next many times over the earth's existance, most of the changes occurring before human beings even existed.
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