Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Your vote doesn’t count! Hogwash!

Lots of people who moan and complain about our elections and why they will not vote, far too many say,” My vote won’t count.” You don’t have to go father than the Mishawka City Council race this year to see how individual votes do count. The difference in the two candidates totals for the 3rd District race was 5 votes. So on election night Republican Jason Mazurkiewicz had apparently lost by five votes to Democrat Ross Deal. Republicans quickly filed for a recount when it was found that over 50 votes were undereported.

Elections are many times decided by only a handfull of votes. Around the state of Indiana and nationally there were close calls for election night 2007.

The tribal council race in OKMULGEE, Ok was decided by 21 votes, according to

The city council race in New Harmony Indiana, had 13 candidates running for 5 council seats. The top five vote getters would be elected. The difference between the fifth and sixth place was one vote as reported by the Evansville Courier Press article.

The Times Reporter newspaper of Philadelphia reported on two tie races and 5 races that caused automatic recounts, four of which were races that were within a one vote margin.

So my friends take these races to heart. Your vote does in fact count. This should be your wake up call to get involved in the politcal process and make sure your voice gets heard and your candidate wins, and wins by more than one vote! Get out today and volunteer!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hillary Clinton and her 401K Proposal

Hillary Clinton recently announced that she intends to steal from successful people with another tax to fund 401ks for everyone else. Can you say socialism. Apparently she wants to start "American Retirement Accounts", where family's would sock away up to $5,000 and the government would match with another $1,000 for any household making under $60,000, and $500 for those making $60-100,000.

She plans to pay for these matching funds by stealing,(oops) I mean taxing estates over $7 million at a cost of $20-25 billion. Why she ignores the fact that people can create their own savings plan already I don't know. Or why people choose not to take advantage of IRA's that are tax deductible already.

Her example families presumably can afford to contribute $5,000 towards their retirement. Then why do they need to have the government mandate an American Retirement Account?" Annual contributions of $5,000 for 30 years with a modest 8% would accumulate over $650,000. So families need government help with funding still?

Another democrat slash socialist plan to take more money from successful people to fund others who refuse to plan ahead. Why do Democrats feel compelled to turn the US into a nanny state? We all have the option of saving thru IRA's and other methods but people choose not to. We need a good conservative voice of common sense to stop these sensationalist liberals!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Chris Minor to take on Joe Donnelly for Indiana 2nd Congressional District

I had the opportunity to attend a luncheon on 10/2 where Chris Minor was the speaker. He has announced he plans to run against Joe Donnelly for 2nd Congressional District seat. Minor had a 20year career in the army, retired as a Captain in the intelligence branch. He now works as a private contractor for the state department in Iraq.

If it comes down to deciding the election by arm wrestling Chris is going to win hands down. He is a big guy and has a VERY STRONG handshake. One noticeable thing about Chris is that he does not come across as a slick politician when talking to you. He is a down to earth middle class guy, and is very frank about the fact that he is a political novice.

Minor made it clear that he wants to limit government and keep it a constitutional one. He blasted democrats and republicans in Congress for spending like drunken sailors. His perspective on Iraq is one I think that needs to be heard. He has been there and seen actual action there, seeing the fighting and the death that has occurred there, admitting that he has lost friends to battle. Personally I wish more of our representatives had actual military time under their belts, so they could have a better idea what a grunt on the ground in Iraq goes thru. God bless every soldier who has volunteered!

Chris came across as a down to earth, lets get back to the basics conservative. I think we have a lot of member’s of congress who have lost their way and are willing to spend on anything. We need to get back to some basics and cut government back, not just cut additional increases in government spending.

His campaign has a long way to go but I think Chris can turn himself into a formidable candidate. I think his vision of what congress should be doing and what our current congressman is doing is something that will resonate with voters. I wish him the best of luck.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why Republicans need to be Green!

Forget the debate, whether you believe in global warming or not is not the question. Republicans need to be green! The general consensus of scientists, the media, and the public is that global warming is real and it is a problem. The public is pushing for change. So now the question is how will republicans lead the debate on how to deal with global warming.

On April 10, 2007, Newt Gingrich and John Kerry debated about global warming. They debated not on if it exists but how to do we deal with it. Yet republicans are still trying to argue that global warming is not occurring. This causes republicans to be labeled as “against the environment”. This in turn allows radical environmentalists to frame the debate on how to deal with it. We need to step up and lead on environmental issues with common sense and do it in a manner that will not cripple our economy.

Currently Arnold Schwarzenegger leads the world’s sixth largest economy, California. The initiatives in California will bring a huge economy of scale that will lower the price of alternative energy. Richard Branson, billionaire owner of Virgin, has committed over $3 billion to alternative energy sources. Business people and market incentives are what are needed not government regulation.

It is time for conservatives to lead the dialogue on environmentalism, rather than being labeled as being against the environment. Otherwise, Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet, will help decide how we deal with the environment. The standard liberal solutions of regulation and litigation will only slow things down and increase costs dramatically.

Sound use of science, technology, and incentives by conservatives can create better solutions for a green America. We need to reward entrepreneurs and retool the marketplace to get the fastest results. By embracing green, we can fuel job growth by making new industries, some of which may reduce our costs of living.

We need leadership now to show that conservatives are pro environment. Not only can it be healthy for our economy it is the responsible thing to do!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Pelosi: The "Speaker of State"?

Okay, first let me get the congratulatory part out of the way: Nancy Pelosi, congratulations on being the first woman Speaker of the House. Now, what the hell are you thinking?
Pelosi decided to conduct her own "peace-making mission" in Damascus by meeting with Syrian President Assad. I can see making rounds in the Middle East, but she cannot undermine the current administrations policies! Worse, she embarrassingly spoke in error for Israel concerning its views Syria.
Even the typically left-leaning Washington Post cannot stomach Pelosi’s conduct. In unusual tone, the Post called her statements "ludicrous." Click here and see for yourself:
We cannot send mixed messages to foreign governments. Yes, she can visit and advocate peace, but she cannot – indeed, must not – go against the policies set by the administration. Doing so undermines the credibility of the President and the State Department, as well as giving the US a poor image of sending mixed messages.
Instead of trying to limit how the President can address the war in Iraq and fund it, she should be at every US base in Iraq telling the troops she will do everything in her power to give them equipment and support to get their job done. She should then visit all the wounded there and thank them for their efforts! Only then should she get back and authorize funding for more and better equipment for the troops to combat the explosive devices that are causing 70% of the casualties over there.
Regardless of how one feels about how we got to Iraq, we are there. Now we need to support our troops and help them get their job done effectively, and not have the Speaker undermine our troops and our diplomacy.